Level Up Parent Payments with Our New Updates

2022 for us at School Spider has started off with a bang! We have launched numerous updates to improve our offering to schools and make life that bit easier. SO, what’s new this time? 

Parent profiles in School Spider are a great place to send messages, book parents’ evenings or invoice for a product. Pupil profiles are a great place to quickly see home learning, blogs or assign a pupil a new award. Being able to quickly search via our dashboard makes this process even quicker. 

Use our search bar, or just press CTRL + K or CMND + K and start looking for a parent or pupil account. 

Payments on Account 

Since building our lunch and wrap around care payments and booking facility, we’ve noticed some thing are inevitable. For example, the last minute additions that come with lack of up front payment. Consequently we already include an invoicing feature which means you can charge parents on the day or even after the event. Of course, making taking payments that bit easier!

However, the new parent account feature is a #levelup and means that parents can add a balance to their School Spider parent account. Schools can then charge items directly, meaning no more chasing invoices.

Cash Payments 

School Spider payments is designed to allow schools to go completely cashless. Subsequently saving schools time on administration, alongside being a more secure and safe platform.

However, there are circumstances where this is not possible and parents need to pay cash. Therefore, our new cash payment feature allows you to register cash purchases to a parents account. 

This is an important feature for items where attendance is taken, such as wrap around care and lunches. Specifically for when there are purchase limits for items such as clubs. 

Free School Meal Discounts 

School Spider seamlessly integrates with all major MIS systems (SIMS, Arbor, Scholar Pack etc.) via Wonde, to pull through parent and pupil information needed for our parent features and communication tools. Another reason why switching to School Spider and setting up a new parent tool is extremely simple. 

Our newest integration is, we can now pull through whether a pupil is eligible for free school meal discounts.

So why is this such a great feature? Well it means that when you create a product such as a lunch, club, trip or even a uniform item where a discount should be applied to specific children, you can have this auto applied at checkout.

How does it work? Simply use our slider feature to assign how much discount should be applied for FSM pupils when you create your product. When these parents then login to School Spider to make a purchase, the associated discount will automatically be applied at checkout. 


Bonus alert!! All of these exciting features are all automatically included in all current school subscriptions and are ready to use RIGHT NOW!

New schools… Don’t you worry, you’re not left out either. Every feature we add automatically increases our offering to you, without a price increase.

If you are already using School Spider and would like more information about getting started with these features, please email us at [email protected].

Want to learn more about School Spider? We’re an all in one system that combines all of the below features:

Book a demonstration of our software here! 

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