Free Online Safety Guide For Primary Schools

Download Our FREE Online Safety Guide

It’s time now, more than ever before to talk online safety!

The online world is a wonderful thing, with learning resources, research, games an online safety imaged more. But with all the great things that the internet gives us, comes lots of risks. So, how do we make sure we do our best to keep children and vulnerable people safe online?

Schools play a vital role in keeping children safe online and promoting internet safety, especially during these time where having an online presence is more important than ever. So what are you doing in your school to keep children safe and preparing them for the big wide online world?

If you think you could be doing more to safeguard children online, we’re hear to help! We’ve put together some guidelines for teaching top level online safety and protecting children in your school.

Download our guide to get the lowdown on e-safety curriculum guidelines, your safeguarding policies, what’s expected of you as a school and how you can support both parents and pupils online.

Download Our E-Safety Guide Here

Thanks for reading!



Jodie Woodward
Brand and Communications Manager

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